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Conditions of use


These Terms of Use govern your access and use of the Site. The Access and the use of the Site, as well as the purchase of products on, are based on the assumption that you have read, understood and accepted these Conditions of Use. This Site is managed and maintained by SAVAIT S.r.l. with legal head office in Fabriano, Via Vincenzo Gioberti 36, 60044 Fabriano VAT ID n. 02666980426; (hereinafter referred i to as "Manager"),

You will find information on orders, shipping, refunds and returns of products purchased on the Site, a registration, tips and other general information on the services provided. You can contact us by e-mail.

For further legal information, please visit sections General Terms of Sale and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy on the Site. The Manager may amend or simply update, in whole or in part, these Conditions of Use. Therefore, the User should regularly access this section to check the publication of the latest and updated Conditions of Use. If he/her does not agree, in whole or in part with the Conditions of Use, please do not use our website.

The access and the use of the Site, including display of web pages, communication with the Manager, the ability to download product information and making purchases on the website, are carried out by our Users exclusively for personal purposes, which should in no way be connected to any trade, business and professional activities. The User is the solely liable for the use of the Site and its contents. The Manager, in fact, cannot be held responsible for any use not in compliance with applicable laws, the web site and its contents by any of its Users, prejudice to the responsibility of the Manager for willful misconduct and gross negligence. In particular, it will be the one and only responsible for the communication of information and incorrect data, or false about third parties, although they have given their consent, and in consideration of the improper use of themselves.

Finally, since each material will be downloaded or otherwise obtained by using at the User’s choice and risk, all liability for any damage to computer systems or data loss resulting from unloading falls on the User and may not be attributed to the Manager. The Manager accepts no responsibility for any damages resulting inaccessibility to services on site or from damage caused by viruses, corrupted files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, deletions of content, network problems, providers or telephone connections and / or data transmission, unauthorized access to, alteration of data, failure and / or malfunction of electronic equipment itself.

You are responsible for the safekeeping and proper use of personal information, including credentials that allow access to confidential services, as well as for any damages or injury which might arise against the Manager or third parties as a result of misuse, loss, theft of such information.


The content of the Site, such as works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds, videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos and any other material, in any format, published on the site, including menus, web pages, graphics, colors, schemes, tools, fonts, design of the web site, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software that are part of this Site (collectively "Content") are protected by copyright and all other intellectual property rights by Tony S.r.l. - and / or the Investment Manager and other rights holders. Reproduction in whole or in part, in any form, of the Site and / or its Content, without the express consent in writing of the Manager is forbidden.

The Manager has the exclusive right to authorize or prohibit direct or indirect, temporary or permanent, in any manner or form, in whole or in part, of the Site and its Content.

Regarding the use of the Site, you are solely authorized to view the Site and its Content. In addition, it is authorized to do all other acts of temporary reproduction, devoid of economic significance, which are considered transient or incidental, integral and essential part of the same view of the Site and its Content and all other navigation operations on the website they are only carried out for a legitimate use of the Site and its contents. The User is not authorized to make any reproduction in any medium, in whole or in part of the Site and its Content.

Any reproduction must be, from time to time, authorized by the Manager or, if necessary, by the authors of the work posted on the Site. Such reproductions must be performed only for lawful purposes and in compliance with copyright and other intellectual property rights of the operator and the authors of the work posted on the Site. The authors of the individual works published on the Site have, at all time, the right to claim ownership of their works and to object to any distortion, alteration or other modification of the works including all acts to damage done to the works, which is of prejudice to their honor or their reputation. The User undertakes to respect the copyrights of the artists who have chosen to publish their works on site or have cooperated with the Website to the creation of new expressive and artistic works which are intended for publication, but not exclusively on Site, or, again, that form an integral part. Furthermore, the User, in any case, is authorized to use, in any way and form, the Site Content or any single work protected by copyright and any other intellectual property. For example, the User can not alter or otherwise, modify the Content and the protected works without the consent of the Manager and, where necessary, of the individual authors of the works published on the Site.


The Site contains hypertext links (the "links") to other websites which have no connection with The Manager does not control or monitor such web sites or their content. The Manager shall not be held responsible for the Content of these sites and the rules adopted by them, even with regard to privacy and processing of personal data during navigation operations. The User must pay attention when you connect to these web sites through the links provided on the Site and will have to read their terms of use and privacy policies. Let us recall that these General Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy not apply to websites operated by someone other than the Manager. The Web site provides links to other web sites exclusively to help its User in research and navigation and to allow links to other websites on the Internet. The activation of the links does not involve any recommendation or signaling of the Manager for accessing and browsing these websites, or any guarantee of their content, services or goods provided by them and sold to Internet users.


Anyone interested in linking the Home page and other pages of the website, which are publicly accessible, please contact the Manager at the following email of the Customer Care of The contact is necessary to enable the requesting consent to hyperlink to The activation of links is granted by the Manager to the applicant free of charge and non-exclusive. The Manager has the right to object to certain links to its web site in the event that the applicant who intends to activate links on the Site, has adopted in the past unfair trade practices not conform to the uses of sector or actions unfair competition to the Manager or when the Manager themes that these behaviors can be adopted in the future, or even when the applicant has taken in the past or that it may adopt in the future actions discrediting the Manager, your own website or services. It is, in any case, forbidden the activation of deep hyperlinks (such as deep frames or deep links) to the Site or the unauthorized use of meta-tags, without the consent of the Manager.


The Manager has made all efforts to prevent the publication on its web site of content describing or representing scenes of physical or psychological violence or which, according to the sensitivity of the site's Users, they might be deemed to violate civil beliefs human rights and dignity of persons, in all its forms and expressions. In any case the Manager does not guarantee that the web site are appropriate or lawful in other countries outside Italy. However, if such contents are deemed to be unlawful or illegal in some of these countries, please do not access our website and if you chose, however, to access it, note that the use of services provided by will be the sole and personal responsibility.

The Manager has also taken every precaution to ensure its Users that the contents of the Site are accurate and do not contain any incorrect or out of date, to the date of their publication on the website and, where possible, thereafter. However, the Manager does not assume any responsibility towards Users for the accuracy and completeness of the Content posted on the Site, except for its liability for tort and gross negligence and as otherwise provided by law. The Manager also cannot guarantee Users that the web site will operate continuously, without interruption and without errors or malfunctions due to Internet connection. For any problem in using our web site, please contact Tony S.r.l. A Manager will be on hand to provide assistance and to help you to restore access to the website, where this is possible. Similarly, we recommend you contact your Internet service provider or check that each device for Internet connection and access to web content is correctly activated, including your Internet browser. Although the Manager will seek to do everything possible to ensure regular access to its web site, the dynamic nature of the Internet and web content may not allow the Website to operate without any suspensions, interruptions or discontinuity due to the need to site updates web. The Manager has adopted technical and organizational measures to safeguard security of its services on the Website, the integrity of traffic data and electronic communications in the forms of use or knowledge is not allowed as well as to prevent risks of dissemination, destruction and loss of data and confidential information or otherwise, regarding users, on the Site, or unauthorized access to, or does not comply with the law, to such data and information.


The Manager has adopted a business policy; its mission consists of selling products through its services and its web site solely for the "end User", meaning with this term a natural person who is acting on the Site, for purposes outside his trade, business or profession. If the User is not a consumer, it is pleased not use our services for purchasing on the Site, products. The Manager shall have the right to not consider purchase orders from persons who are not consumers and any other purchase order which does not comply with the Conditions of Sale and Terms of Use.